Noun is a word that refers to a place, thing, person or idea. There are 8 types of nouns in the English language which are discussed below.
1. Common Noun
It is a word that represents a person, place or thing in general. It is very common and easy to find around you. These are general terms indicating a person or a placeExamples
door, room, car, book, girl, Man, table, chair, laptop, computer, bag, school, teacher, student, milk, notebook, table, woman, lotion, mobile, gel, train, bus, road, village, town, city, movie, singer
2. Proper Noun
Proper nouns make common nouns easy to distinguish and understand. These are used to make common nouns special by giving them a particular name. In written English, a proper noun always begins with capital letters no matter where they are used in the sentences.Examples
Steve, Erica, Mumbai, India, Harley Davidson, Skybags, Samsung, The Secret (book), Kasauli, Dell, Curlon, Google, Australia, Ottawa, Golden Temple, Nehru Park, Steve Jobs,
3. Collective Noun
Collective nouns represent the names for a collection/group or a number of people/animals, things or ideas. It is a collection of common or proper nouns.Examples
Army, family, class, Council, jury, bouquet, herd, audience, pack, flock, crowd, group. Choir, orchestra, bunch
4. Compound Noun
Compound nouns are a combination of two or more words used as a noun. These can represent a place, a thing, an animal or idea.<Examples
Bedroom ( Bed+room), Classroom (Class+room), Fireflies (Fire+Flies), Toothpaste (Tooth+Paste), Swimming pool, Dry cleaners, Bus stop, Egg rolls, Washing machine, Family business, Daughter-in-law, Web-browser
5. Concrete Noun
Nouns that can be identified through five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell) come under concrete nouns. They can be touched, smelt, felt, seen or heard.Examples
Boy, food, chair, London, song, music, egg, laptop, computer, book, paiting, snow, rain, water, lotion, chemical, bottle, baby,
6. Abstract Noun
Abstract nouns are the exact opposites of concrete nouns. These cannot be identified through the five senses.Examples
Happiness, Sadness Ecstasy, Bliss, Love Bravery, Courage, Success Pain, Misery, Justice
7. Countable Noun
The countable nouns are individual people, animals, places, things, or ideas which can be counted in numbersExamples
A car, Three pens, Ten houses, Fifty People Hundred supporters, Ten buses
8. Uncountable Noun
The nouns that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns or mass nouns. It is hard to use them with a quantifier like one, three, four. All abstract nouns are uncountable.Examples
Water,Air, Milk, Money, truth, danger, love, hatred,depression, agression, impression, happiness