India is a vast nation and the climatic conditions vary according to the state and regions. But it falls in the tropical wet and dry nation category.
How many seasons do you have in your country?
We experience all weathers in India. The winters aren't harsh but summers are unbearable in some states like Rajasthan. In coastal states like Maharashtra, the weather is always pleasant.
Which is your favourite season and why?
I really enjoy spring season the most because the flower blooms and nature gets relief from the harsh winter. Everything looks refreshing and pleasant.
What do you do during the rainy season?
Since I am working, I don't get the chance to enjoy rainy weather as I used to do in childhood. If, I am on a holiday during a rainy day, my mother cooks authentic Indian cuisines and we all enjoy with tea.
Have you ever felt a change in the climate of your city/country?
Yes, I am and I think everybody else feels the effect of global warming on the climate. Winters are shorter and the summer heat is intolerable. Melting glaciers are threatening our ecosystem and well-being.
Which season was your favourite when you were a child?
I used to enjoy the rainy season because whenever it rained we got a day off from school. I used to roam around the street with my friends splashing water on one another. Paper-boat competitions were very popular and amusing during childhood. Nowadays, kids don't enjoy these little things at all.
Is there any season that affects traffic in your city?
Ludhiana has a well-maintained sewage system. However, during heavy rains, the water-clogging problem arises in some areas that affects the traffic for a while.
How do you enjoy the winter season?
Winter has a beauty of its own. In Punjab, Saag and Makki ki Roti are cooked only during the winter season and this is the only thing I enjoy in during cold weather. (You can mention the celebration of Christman, snow, snowman)