No, I really wish I had a pet but my father never allowed me to have a pet.
Yes, I have a cute little pup/kitten/f named "Popcorn". It/he/she was a gift from my parents. I really love to have him around as he is adorable, active and very mischievous.
Would you like to have a pet?
Yes, I would love to have a pet in future. I would pet a small Persian cat.
Which animal do you want as a pet and why?
As I just mentioned that I want a Persian because Persian cats are fluffy and they usually have blue/green eyes. I have seen them on the internet and they are quite interesting and adorable.
Did you have any pet when you were a kid?
Yeah, I remember, once a small bird got injured and fell in our lawn, I picked her up and treated her. I kept her as a pet for a few days but when she recovered and she flew away.
No, I never had a pet in my life.
What are some common pets in your country/city?
Dogs are the most common pets in India. Earlier people did not pet cat due to some superstitions. Now the time has changed and people have started keeping cats, rabbits, parrots, hamsters and birds as pets.
Which animal you don't like as a pet and why?
I have seen some people have snakes as pets and I am phobic about reptiles so I would never have a snake as a pet.