Describe a Country in Which You Want to Work for A Short Period of Time/Where you would like to work
- What kind of job would it be
- When would you like to go
- Why you want to work there
Well, I had never thought about it until recently when my brother/husband/friend returned from Norway. He went there to attend a business meeting and he immensely praised the work-culture of this country. At that moment, I thought of working in Norway for a short period of time. I researched about the country and found that Norway has the shortest working hours and a person can earn around 72000 USD per year on an average. Being a commerce graduate, I am familiar with the taxation and accounting procedure of India that are similar to that of Norway. I think, I would be able to find a job as a tax assistant there. The another reason for choosing this country is the exquisite natural beauty and high standard of living. Norway has been securing the top position in UN Liveability Index every year and it has the most vibrant culture. I cannot go there due to work commitments but I would certainly love to grab a work opportunity there in future.